Researchers Discover Immune-Based Biomarker That May Aid in Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer

Rosa and Alex Dembitzer - new biomarkers discovered to help detect ovarian cancer earlier

Researchers from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have uncovered a biomarker that can be detected in the blood up to four years before high-grade ovarian cancer (HGOC) is typically diagnosed. This discovery can potentially be a “game-changer” in early detection of ovarian cancer and could advance pediatric cancer research as well.  Overview of Ovarian … Read more

Breast Cancer Vaccine Safely Generates Anti-Tumor Immunity

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the world. Despite many new treatments and advancements in various therapies, relapse and metastasis are an ongoing challenge for patients and the medical community. As such, researchers continue to look into new treatments and search for breakthroughs. One promising new study from the Washington … Read more

Genes and Mutations: Understanding BRC1 and BRC2

Alex and Rosa Dembitzer - Northern Charitable Foundation - understanding BRCA gene mutations

All women are at risk of developing breast cancer during their lifetime. There are various risk factors that can increase the likelihood, one of them being genetic susceptibility. Genes are segments of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), and DNA makes up chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, receiving half of each pair from the mother and … Read more

The Signs of Ovarian Cancer: Know What to Look For

Dembitzer - Northern Charitable Foundation - the sings of ovarian cancer

Cancer, a word everyone is familiar with, is a term for diseases that can affect any part of the body. These diseases are caused by the rapid, abnormal growth of cells that have the potential to extend beyond their normal boundaries into other parts of the body and organs. When diagnosed and treated in the … Read more

Ovarian Cancer – Background, Who’s at Risk, and Prevention

Northern Charitable Foundation - ovarian cancer awareness

Every day, there are millions of women around the world who are at risk of getting ovarian cancer – many don’t know they are at risk, while a small percentage are unaware that they already have it. However, in the past few years, science has continued to lead the way through medical research and advancements … Read more

Why The Northern Charitable Foundation Sponsors the Prevention GENEration Program

Rosa Dembitzer - Breast cancer awareness month

We are very passionate about sponsoring the Israel Cancer Association’s Prevention GENEration Program in collaboration with The Israel Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Consortium. The aim of the program is to reduce cancer morbidity in Israel by promoting research, prevention, early detection, treatment modalities, and means of rehabilitation. The High Rate of Individuals with the … Read more

Promoting Awareness About BRCA Mutations in Rosa Dembitzer’s Native Costa Rica

Alex and Rosa Dembitzer just returned from Costa Rica where they sponsored an event for the Jewish community to raise awareness about BRCA genes. The BRCA Gene BRCA is the acronym for the BReast CAncer susceptibility gene. Everyone has BRCA genes, which play an important role in suppressing tumors from growing. However, when these genes … Read more