Promoting Awareness About BRCA Mutations in Rosa Dembitzer’s Native Costa Rica

Alex and Rosa Dembitzer just returned from Costa Rica where they sponsored an event for the Jewish community to raise awareness about BRCA genes. The BRCA Gene BRCA is the acronym for the BReast CAncer susceptibility gene. Everyone has BRCA genes, which play an important role in suppressing tumors from growing. However, when these genes … Read more

Congratulations to Sabrina Kalandarov for Winning the International Tennis Federation Tournament

Sabrina Kalandarov

We are very excited for International Tennis Federation (ITF) tournament winner Sabrina Kalandrov. This is a magnificent victory for Sabrina and her dedicated coaches on the Israel Tennis Centers (ITC) National Girls Team. Building Life Skills Through Tennis The Northern Charitable Foundation is a sponsor of the ITC High-Performance Girls Teams. Founded in 1976, the … Read more