Gene Variants Predict Breast Cancer

Rosa and Alex Dembitzer - Northern Charitable Foundation - Breast cancer genetic research

Tumor development and the role of hereditary factors are highly correlated. A new class of biomarkers forecasts tumor progression and an entirely new way of understanding breast cancer origins. The gene sequences we inherit at conception can predict the type and severity of breast cancer we could develop decades later. The active involvement of gene … Read more

The Event Where Jokes Can Make a Difference

Wednesday, June 5, 2024, marks the eighth annual Laugh to Remember, a charity event partnered by Broadacre Financial and the Taub Institute. A night of laughter and purpose, where proceeds will go towards the innovative Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain. Attendees will be laughing for a cause while shaping … Read more

New Research: Preventative Mastectomies and Reducing Breast Cancer Risk 

New research from Canada shows that preventive mastectomies can reduce the risks of breast cancer in women with certain forms of BRCA genes that, without intervention, significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. Mutations Raise Risk Every human has both the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. However, sometimes these genes become damaged or change in some … Read more

New AI-Based Tool Can Detect Early Signs of Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dembitzer - Northern Charitable Foundation - AI and Dementia

Researchers from the University of Sheffield have developed a new AI-based tool that can help doctors assess the early signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The tool, called CognoSpeak, uses AI and speech technology to analyze speech patterns and language to detect whether individuals require further medical investigation. The tool is as accurate as pen-and-paper medical … Read more

Light Shed on Relationship Between Environmental Factors and Breast Cancer Incidence

Alex and Rosa Dembitzer - Northern Charitable Foundation - environmental factors affect breast cancer risk

Breast cancer is the most common and second most fatal invasive cancer in the U.S. female population. Modern scientists have long studied the relationships between breast cancer risk and genetic and environmental factors, forming a general consensus that both types of factors play a role.  A recent study conducted by Duke University researchers, entitled Cumulative … Read more

New Study Shows More Walkable Neighborhoods Have Reduced Risk for Obesity-Related Cancer

Charting New Roads - Alex and Rosa Dembitzer - Walkable neiborhoods help prevent cancer

The New York University Women’s Health Study (NYUWHS), featured in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), conducted a study tracking the correlation between the risk of obesity-related cancers in women and the annual average of neighborhood walkability. Between the years 1985 and 1991, the NYUWHS recruited 14,274 women and followed them for approximately thirty … Read more

The Role of Microglia in Late-Onset Alzheimer’s: A Breakthrough Study

Northern Charitable Foundation - Alzheimer's research - genetics

In the realm of Alzheimer’s research, it is widely acknowledged that microglia research is still in its early stages, leaving much to be discovered. Recently, microglia have emerged as pivotal players in the development of late-onset Alzheimer’s. However, their exact role within the disease mechanism is still a mystery.  The groundbreaking research conducted by Li, … Read more

New Study Shows Yoga’s Promising role in Combating Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline in Older Women

Rosa Dembitzer - elderly women can benefit from yoga

A new study conducted at UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior,  has unveiled an ally in the fight against Alzheimer’s and memory loss in women –  yoga, particularly, Kundalini yoga and Kirtan Kriya.  The study, led by psychiatrist Dr. Helen Lavretsky, examined the effects of yoga on older women with risk for Alzheimer’s … Read more

Breast Cancer Vaccine Safely Generates Anti-Tumor Immunity

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the world. Despite many new treatments and advancements in various therapies, relapse and metastasis are an ongoing challenge for patients and the medical community. As such, researchers continue to look into new treatments and search for breakthroughs. One promising new study from the Washington … Read more

New Study Shows Correlation Between Cancer and Long COVID

Charting New Roads - long Covid more common in cancer patients

According to a recent study published in the online academic journal, eLife, over 50% of cancer patients who suffered from acute COVID-19 reported long COVID symptoms as far as seven months after their recovery. Female patients were more likely to report persistent long COVID symptoms, which include fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, myalgia (muscle aches and pains), … Read more